Tuesday, November 28, 2006

creative outdoor fire concepts

With the chill of Winter wind kisses brushing upon us, the outdoor elements need to be softened by a little warmth from dancing flames. These designs by Elena Columbo provide some interesting and creative natural gas or propane fire installations.


Standard Firebowls come equipped with a connection for propane or natural gas and a choice of ignition systems; manual pilot or electrical remote spark.


Fire Walls are a 30ft long by 9ft high curved tangle of steel branches hovering atop a shallow collecting pool. The pool is filled with pebbles in variegated shades of white and a curved burner for gas is hidden among the branches for day or night ignition.
The surface of the pool may be either still and reflective, or undulate in endless ripples from a water agitator.


Embedded in a shallow pool of water, Fire Grasses are thin metal coils that gently sway in the wind reflecting their flame off the water surface.

information: Fire Features website

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