Tuesday, November 28, 2006

creative outdoor fire concepts

With the chill of Winter wind kisses brushing upon us, the outdoor elements need to be softened by a little warmth from dancing flames. These designs by Elena Columbo provide some interesting and creative natural gas or propane fire installations.


Standard Firebowls come equipped with a connection for propane or natural gas and a choice of ignition systems; manual pilot or electrical remote spark.


Fire Walls are a 30ft long by 9ft high curved tangle of steel branches hovering atop a shallow collecting pool. The pool is filled with pebbles in variegated shades of white and a curved burner for gas is hidden among the branches for day or night ignition.
The surface of the pool may be either still and reflective, or undulate in endless ripples from a water agitator.


Embedded in a shallow pool of water, Fire Grasses are thin metal coils that gently sway in the wind reflecting their flame off the water surface.

information: Fire Features website

Thursday, November 09, 2006

three urban oases

The lack of green space and access to natural elements is a fundamental struggle in a densely packed urban environment. The American Society of Landscape Architects gives awards each year to public and residential landscaping projects and among this year's winners there were a few favourites that incorporate the concept of creating urban oases. The idea of bringing natural lighting and plants via a recessed courtyard seems to be an excellent solution for places where land space is scarce.

Court Square Press Courtyard, Boston, MA
by Landworks Studio
images: landworks studio

Light-On Electronic Headquarters, Taipei, Taiwan
by SWA Group
images: tom fox, swa group
more information
Principles of green building evident throughout the project in both sustainable material use, energy-efficiency, and relationship to existing environmental context.

Tahari underground courtyard, Millburn, New Jersey
by Valkenburgh Assoc.
images: paul warchol, elizabeth felicella
more information
This small recessed courtyard is smaller scale than the other projects featured here and therefore easier to replicate on a more modest budget and more constricted spaces. They accomplish the task of bringing light, plants, and the seasons to the underground offices.

2006 conference and exhibition of new materials

Again this year, representatives, designers, and engineers from automotive, aerospace, and consumer product markets attended The Materialica conference in Munich, Germany, which exhibited new materials available for use in industrial design. Generally, the theme appeared to be the typical commitment to lighter yet stronger materials but the conference was also evidence of a clear embrace of sustainability as well.

jar made from pebbles bound together by a clear resin made by Riverstone, Italy.

sink and bathroom walls

Waterproof and airtight zipper made from a combination of nylon and thermoplastic elastomer

natural cork fabric